
IFS Certification


IFS Food

The standard IFS (International Featured Standards) Food developed by German retail companies for auditing private label manufacturers has been officially approved since February 2003. It sets criteria for auditing private label manufacturers, such as HACCP, hygiene, food safety culture, traceability, etc.


IFS Logistics

Any logistics service provider that works for retailers but also for the food industry can be audited according to the IFS (International Featured Standards) Logistics.

IFS Broker

The IFS (International Featured Standards) Broker must be used for all companies that primarily carry out a “trading activity” and that choose their suppliers themselves, buy or trade goods themselves and then have deliveries made directly to their own customers and provide these customers with the Calculate goods directly without ever coming into contact with the product yourself.


IFS Global Markets Food

The IFS Global Markets Food is a food safety assessment program for small and/or less developed companies. The aim is to make it easier for companies to access local supply chains, to create mutual acceptance in the supply chain, to enable knowledge transfer and to create a framework for development towards the IFS Food Standard.